You don’t have to worry anymore about how you will repay your multiple loans to multiple parties, because at Safwa Islamic Bank we will unify all your financial commitments by repaying all your loans and debts to traditional banks (traditional bank personal and car loans and credit card debts).
Yusur for Refinancing

Calculate your Financing

- A valid smart national ID for Jordanians or a passport for non-Jordanians residents.
- Bank account statement.
- For salaried employees: A recent salary certificate, a recent salary slip.
- For professionals: A recent professional license, proof of professional practice, syndicate membership.
- For freelancers: A recent professional license, commercial record.
- For non-Jordanian residents: Valid residency for no less than 3 years, security clearance.
For more information contact the call center via the number 064602100 or the free-call service 080022400
- Financing period of up to 7 years.
- A competitive and fixed Murabaha rate throughout the financing period.
- Financing 100% of the pending commitments at other banks.
- Minimum service period is 6 months.
- Minimum financing amount is 2,000 JODs.
- Salary transfer is required.
- Available to segments within government entities and entities approved by the bank.
- Free life and total disability Takaful insurance.