Corporate Deposit Card (CDC)

This service enables companies to easily and securely deposit money through ATMs. The CDC can be used by company representatives for easy deposit into company accounts and it’s dedicated solely for depositing, it cannot be used for withdrawal or balance access.

The Corporate Deposit Card provides you with easy and effective money flow management, as well as access to deposit transaction details through E-Services with utmost simplicity.

Corporate Deposit Card Features

Issue more than one card per account

Deposit through Safwa ATMs only

Track deposit transactions through E-Services

Unlimited deposit cap

Welcome Safwa Bank clients

To learn more about cards, set an appointment and we will contact you


    Type of card

    First name

    Last name

    National ID number

    Phone number


    Monthly income

    Current Customer

    Preferred branch

    Appropriate day/time to reach you


    Explore the list of approved merchants for
    instant discounts through debit cards here