Exceptional financing for the protectors of our homeland, our brave military and security personnel

Ijarah Leasing Offers (Residential Apartments)

  • Financing period of up to 20 years.
  • Financing rate of up to 100%.
  • Financing amount of up to 350,000 JODs.
  • The return is fixed for one year starting at 7.25% for residential apartments.
  • After the end of the fixed year, the contractual equations applied (fixed margin + rediscount rate).

Personal Financing (Yusur / Equity)

  • Return starting at 4.99% fixed.
  • Financing period of up to 7 years (equity financing).
  • Financing period of up to 8 years (for Yusur financing).
  • Financing of up to 50,000 JODs.
  • Financing rate of 100% for commitments with other banks.
  • The financing duration for conventional banks should be at least 1 year and repaid constantly.

Cars Financing Offer

  • Starting at 4.50% fixed.
  • Financing rate of 90%.
  • Financing amount of up to 100,000 JODs.
  • Flexible repayment period of up to 7 years.

Offer Features:

  • Granting an electronic Murabaha credit card with a ceiling of a one-month salary exempted from issuance fees for the first year. Click here.
  • Exemption of 50% from processing fees.

Terms and conditions:

  • The minimum age upon application is 21 years old.
  • Salary transfer is required.
  • The minimum period for the service is 6 months.
  • Mortgaging the vehicle in favor of the bank upon financing.
  • This offer is valid until 31/03/2025.